Geometry Processing

Assignments of IFT-6113 at UdeM

Showcase of assignments done in course led by Mikkael Besselmet. The course covered the mathematical concepts and algorithms behind modern mesh processing and modeling.

Eigen Decomposition

Three lowest eigenvectors being displayed for different meshes.

Shape Deformation

Implemented “Bounded biharmonic weights for real-time deformation” and “As-Rigid-As-Possible Surface Modeling”.

Mesh deformation based on the red handle using an implementation of ARAP.
Mesh deformation of a bar using biharmonic (Right) and ARAP (Left).

Solving Heat Equation on Manifold

ImplementedS “The Heat Method for distance computation”.

Random initiliaziation of heat. Then, vizualisation of different step through the propagation of heat on the manifold.

Shape Fairing

Fairing high frequency eigen value of a mesh.