
Websites designs & creations

In the summer of 2020, while I was a second-year student at university, I wanted to experiment web technologies because I didn’t have the chance to explore them before. I threw myself at the most common framework such as laravel, django, vuejs and firebase. Over the summer, I produce two websites: one for a contractor and one for a group event between friends.

In Renovation I.N. inc. (Summer 2020)


I connected with a contractor in need of a website overhaul. After discussing his requirements, I quickly put to use the tools I had mastered over the summer 2020. I was tasked with the overall creation of the website.


Overall Requirements

  • Look Modern & Professional
  • Custom Domain Name with a personalized email
  • Can alter the gallery easily with new pictures

Major Designs Decision

  1. Customize Vuetify 2 components for a unique UI.
  2. Segment page into separate components for easier maintenance.
  3. Enable direct client uploads and edits of images in Firebase.
  4. Develop a script for image resizing and thumbnail creation.
  5. Use Namecheap for domain and custom email to enhance professionalism.

Tools/Services Used

  • Vue 2
  • Vuetify 2
  • Firebase
  • NameCheap



Lan “Quart de Nuit” (Spring 2020)


Before the COVID-19 pandemic, I help organizing ‘Quart de Nuit’ [Night Shift], a series of small-scale gaming events, with a group of friends. We initially hosted these at a Gaming Cafe, regularly attracting 30 participants. As the event grew, we expanded by renting a larger venue and diversifying activities to include karaoke, live gaming competitions, local gaming booths, board games, and a bar.

To streamline event management and payments, we decided to develop a custom website. My role involved developping the backend and frontend. However, the pandemic mades our plan impossible and we cancel out the event.


Overall Requirements

  • Countdown
  • User Account
  • Ticketing
  • Good Looking Website

Major Designs Decision

  1. Opt for Stripe over PayPal due to its ease of integration and its lower transaction fees.
  2. Manage user login and administration using the Laravel framework.
  3. Develop the interface using Vue and Vuetify.

Tools/Services Used

  • Vue 2
  • Vuetify 2
  • Laravel
  • Stripe
  • NameCheap Domain Name

