Due to recent technological advances, the creation of 3D objects is becoming more important. It is critical to offer appropriate and accessible tools to users from diverse backgrounds. Unfortunately, the tools traditionally used in 3D creation are designed for professionals, require complex and time-consuming training, and are unsuitable for inexperienced users who form the vast majority of potential users. We propose a simplified creation tool that uses sketch-based methods. First, the desired mesh is created from a traced outline. The interior is inflated following the method of Dvoroznak et al. Second, the height (displacement) of the mesh is achieved by altering the strips created by shading. Shading is the result of a Lambertian reflection model for a given directional light. Our method consists of using the strips from the method of characteristics applied to solve Shape-From-Shading. Using the strips, we identify the regions affected by the change in shading. One of these regions will be used to interpolate the shading according to the new isophote. From this new shading, the characteristic strips will be used to find the new height, ensuring that only the region affected by the change in shading is altered. The meshes created can then be combined, inspired by the method proposed by Dvoroznak et al. to form a single, complex mesh. Our tool is designed to be more intuitive than the ones provided by professional 3D software. Our results illustrate its potential.